(I took the header picture of a Common Loon resting on a pond in Utah on its way north in June of 2015. It was in transition from winter to summer plumage.)

Translate - I dare you. Then make a comment on the funny errors the translator made.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Typecast: Motel and Zeitel's new arrival


James Watterson said...

Very nice! Yea I just recently got a script typeball for my IBM Selectric machine. I really like it but unfortunatly it tends to misprint some capital letters. I have wanted one for a while and love the way script looks.

deek said...

I haven't come across a script type face thus far. Looks pretty neato!

Strikethru said...

Gorgeous typeface. There is something wonderful about having a script machine in your collection. It must have been such a splurge back in the day.